Thursday, June 10, 2021 Abu Dhabi - Emirati Arabi Uniti

Some time ago I left Italy for a new destination, for a city I had heard very little about and never seen before, I left with my husband for a new adventure. I briefly told you about it here:

So much has happened in Abu Dhabi, our family has grown, we are different people. As it always happens, being away from home and meeting the most varied cultures has opened up a universe to us that we didn't know existed before. Everything has changed. I am no longer the person I was 8 years ago. Two new souls are part of me. 

After 8 years, it's time for a new announcement.
We are leaving Abu Dhabi and returning to Italy.
We never thought we would be so lucky and find new opportunities close to home and we were thinking about Europe in general, when boom, the opportunity came.
A new adventure begins.

250 ml lukewarm water
250 ml lukewarm milk
10 g of fresh yeast (or 3 g of dry yeast)
1 tablespoon sugar
0.5 tablespoons fine salt
50 g of extra virgin olive oil
400 g of flour (half manitoba, if possible)

Procedure. Knead well all the ingredients and let rest for about one hour, or until doubled.
Roll out on a work surface with a rolling pin, height 0.5 cm, and form discs with a pastry ring or rectangles to be placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Let rest about 90 minutes.
Using your fingers, make small dimple on the dough or prick it with a fork and sprinkle with salt.
Bake in a hot oven at 180C and bake for about 20-25 minutes.
Remove from oven and brush with water while still hot. 

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